
We're always adding and improving Cloaked.

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Cloaked Sharing is Live!

Check out this week's changelog with new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes.

August 22, 2023

Your Mobile App:

  • Your mobile app is getting upgraded to version 1.7.0
  • Support for Identity Sharing ▶ You can now share identity information via encrypted links with trusted family and friends. 
  • Security Upgrade UX Improvements ▶ This won't apply to MOST of you but we definitely have some users who are still hanging around on an earlier version of encryption. You’re still safe, but definitely upgrade! You'll get access to new features! And, you will be on the highest Cloaked level of security.
  • iOS: Fixed a weird bug where an email or phone number was not copying consistently from the identity view. 
  • Android: Fixed a (different) weird bug where the app sometimes logged you out when you use our identity autofill in your mobile device.
  • Android: Turns out you could save ANY text string as your "birthday" on the Cloaked website. The Android app really didn't like that so we fixed the crash and kindly asked our website team to stop letting people save "The Great Gatsby" in the birthday field.