MOVEit Data Breach 2023: What Happened, Who Was Affected, and Steps to Protect Yourself

November 20, 2023
3 min

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Details of the MOVEit Data Breach

In May 2023, hackers targeted file transfer software MOVEit, resulting in a massive data breach. While the company made an effort to quickly patch the issue, the leak still resulted in data being exposed from more than 2,000organizations. Among those impacted were government agencies, public schools, human resource providers, and many other businesses.

Nearly 62 million people worldwide have been impacted by the MOVEit data breach so far, leading to several ongoing class action lawsuits, with IBM being among the defendants. 

Extent and impact of the MOVEit Data Breach on consumers

The MOVEit data breach is being heralded as the largest data breach of 2023 to date. Because of the enterprise nature of the organizations targeted, people are being notified through a variety of different means.

The extent of the data breach has also led government agencies, such as public school systems, to place stricter guidelines on the amount of time organizations have to inform people that their data may have been compromised. 

What personal data was leaked and exposed in the breach?

Depending on the type of organization impacted, data that was leaked could include (but may not be limited to):

  • Full names
  • Social security numbers
  • Birthdates
  • Medical information
  • Educational records
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Physical addresses
  • Financial information

Here’s what to do if you were impacted

If you’ve received a notification that your data may have been leaked during the MOVEit data breach, you should:

  • Update passwords and credentials across other important accounts
  • Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Implement credit and identity theft monitoring tools
  • Freeze credit if you notice any suspicious activity
  • Notify financial and medical institutions that data related to your accounts may have been leaked
  • Continue to follow related data breach updates
  • Educate yourself about the nature of phishing and other scams
  • Reduce your digital footprint

With data breaches becoming increasingly widespread, protecting your credentials and personal information has never been so important. Cloaked can help by allowing you to create separate identities for each new connection. Click here to get started now.

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