Reventics Data Breach 2023: What Happened, Who Was Affected, and Steps to Protect Yourself

November 15, 2023
3 min

Protect yourself from future breaches

Details of the Reventics Data Breach

In March 2023, investigation revealed that healthcare revenue cycle management company Reventics experienced a data breach impacting 250,000 consumers. A class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of the consumers impacted, claiming that the company failed to safeguard sensitive data, and delayed in customer notification by at least three months.

Reventics claims that the source of the breach was quickly identified, and measures were immediately taken to minimize data leak. However, the extent and types of data exposed are still unclear.

Extent and impact of the Reventics Data Breach on consumers

The Reventics data breach exposed the personal information of patients who worked with the direct customers (healthcare providers) of the company, as well as the customers themselves. As of right now, it is reported that around 250 thousand individuals could have their data exposed as a result of this breach.

Because of the nature of the data leaked, victims may face threats related to identity theft, medical fraud, phishing, financial fraud, and several other forms of cybercrime.

What personal data was leaked and exposed in the breach?

Currently, the known information that was leaked includes:

  • Full names
  • Health plan information
  • Physical addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Information contained in medical records
  • Social security numbers
  • Financial information
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • Clinical results
  • Patient health account ID numbers

Any time that healthcare data is leaked, patients must deal with an additional layer of stress because of the impact that this highly sensitive information can have on their lives. It’s important for companies to communicate immediately and often when breaches like this occur - which was allegedly not the case in the Reventics data breach.

Here’s what to do if you were impacted

If you received a notification that you or your company were impacted by the Reventics data breach, there are several things you can do immediately.

For companies impacted:

  • Immediately inform patients of the potential data leaked
  • Provide patients with credit and identity theft monitoring tools and protections
  • Communicate often with any new updates
  • Implement new security plans which include third party vendor audits
  • Follow through with data breach support for any patients impacted

For consumers impacted:

  • Immediately change passwords across important accounts 
  • Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Implement credit and identity theft monitoring tools
  • Contact your financial institution about the threat
  • Make an effort to limit the information available about you online

In instances like this, it can be tempting to go nuclear and remove everything possible from the internet. However, this isn’t feasible for most. Cloaked can empower you to continue enjoying the benefits of being online while staying in control of your personal data. Click here to get started.

Helpful Links and Other Resources

Protect yourself from future breaches

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